jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012


1) Title: Equal is not always fair. Let´s make a difference!

Capacitadoras: Esther Vazquez y Andrea Zúcaro

Sede: 7 Caballito

Jueves 18-21hs.

Población Docente. Profesores de Inglés.

All classes are mixed ability to one extent or another. Therefore, bearing in mind that students differ as learners and that equal is not always fair, this workshop has been designed to help upper form teachers meet the diverse needs of all students. This course offers a theoretical framework based on the theories of multiple intelligences, learning styles and brain based learning, among others, but its main objective is to provide teachers with practical and challenging ideas that they will be able to apply in their daily practice with their mixed ability students.

2) Título: Le texte littéraire en clase de langue étrangère. Lectures, regards, ressources.

Capacitadora: Viviana Ackerman

Sede: 7 Caballito

Población docente. Profesores de Francés.

Miércoles 18-21hs.

Le texte littéraire en classe de langue étrangère. Lectures, regards, ressources.
Cet atelier vise l'analyse en classe d'un corpus d'oeuvres littéraires courtes (contes, nouvelles, fragments de romans) dans le but principal de transmettre les clefs pour l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère à partir du texte littéraire. On mettra l'emphase sur des activités d'exploitation écrite et orale des sources littéraires. On présentera des textes appropriés pour l’école primaire et pour le collège/lycée.

3) Título:To be, or not to be; that is (said to be) the question !

Capacitador: Alberto Longobardi.

Viernes 18-21hs

Sede: D.E. 9 Palermo (Güemes 4610)

Población Docente. Profesores de Inglés.

In this course, you are going to be reading several core-shaking texts that will shatter the long-held belief that the question is whether to be or not to be. While discussing each text, you will learn relevant lexical items and re-systematize the grammar patterns that you may still be struggling with.

4) Título: CONFLICT IN THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM. (Semi presencial)

Capacitadora: Mónica Gandolfo.

Sábados 9-12hs.

Sede: San Telmo

Población Docente. Énfasis en media. Profesores de Inglés.

Together we will explore possible sources of conflict in our classrooms. We will analyze episodes that we find difficult to understand and approach literature that can open up for us new ways of looking at situations that looked impossible to improve. Strategies for action will be more an outcome of a new way of looking at the conflict than a product of memorizing a list of possible strategies.

5) Título: "Produção de materiais didáticos para o ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE): As potencialidades da publicidade e da imprensa na aula de PLE."

Capacitadora: Sonia Dias Mendes

Lunes, 18:00 a 21:00 horas SEMI-PRESENCIAL

Sede: 9 Palermo (Güemes 4610)

Para Profesores de Portugués.

Partindo da reflexão e experiência docente dos formandos no uso de materiais autênticos como a publicidade e a imprensa, é objetivo deste curso trabalhar, por um lado, a fundamentação teórica que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das competências comunicativas em língua e, por outro, produzir materiais didáticos destinados ao ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira.

6) Título: From EFL teacher to EFL material designer in the “Word Processor” and “You Tube” Era.

Capacitadora: Mady Casco

Día y horario: miércoles 18-21hs.

Población docente/ Profesores de inglés

Sede: CePA central

In this course we will learn how to plan critically and creatively our lessons using the textbook as a springboard and not as a straightjacket. We will then, create our own material to supplement course books with the aid of word processors and other easy-to-use software (Paint, Power Point, Inspiration). Finally, we will end up by designing a complete topic-based project integrating resources downloadable from the internet and adaptable to different contexts. NECESITA PIZARRA DIGITAL Y COMPUTADORAS.
Se requiere manejo básico de windows y de uso de internet.

7) Título: Why use games to teach English?

Capacitadora: Daniela Varone.

Día y horario: Martes 18-21hs (Semipresencial)

Sede 10 Belgrano (Moldes 1858)

Language learning is a hard task... Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give students a break and at the same time allow students to practise language skills. Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and challeging, Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is meaningful and useful.
Games encourage, entertain, teach and promote fluency. If not for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help students see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems that at times seem overwhelming.

8) Título: Fostering the use of ICT in the English classroom.

Capacitadora: Marcela Lococo

Día y horario: Martes 18-21hs. (A Distancia)

Sede 18 Monte Castro (Cervantes1911)

During the course we are going to analyse the “why’s” for the inclusion of ICT in the English class – avantages and disadvantages. Deal with “Blended Learning” as one of the possible ways to update and even transform foreign language teaching. Familiarize with ICT terminology. Introduce ICT resources, materials, apps and more. Guide teachers to choose good effective web sites. Help developing resources, tasks and activities for the English class.